Hi, I'm Audrey 👋

I’m a developer, designer and artist who loves coding as much as design. I develop websites for leaders, seekers, healers, and artists who are making a difference in their communities.

Recent Work

These are some of the projects I've built with ❤️ and code

What I Do

WordPress Development

Custom websites or I can build using themes.

Front-End Development

You design I code!

Static Site Development

Fast, secure, low-cost, no-maintenance, modern websites.

Technical VA

I thrive on finding solutions to technical challenges.


Audrey's work is magic. She spins code into art and does so with love and heart. It's clear that she loves her craft. I endorse her magic.

Author avatar Lego Good Wizard

Latest from the Blog

My thoughts on design, code, squirrels

Jamstack or WordPress

Jamstack or WordPress

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Why I'm In Love With Formspree

Why I'm In Love With Formspree

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Contact Me

Thank you so much for your interest in working together. Please tell me a bit about your project here. Looking forward to hearing from you!